A new service we are providing is the ability to pay for an extended download of your camera(s) footage. Please contact sales for pricing: sales@camcloud.com

This will be a monthly service with the following bundle options, note that these bundles are not restricted by camera. For example if you purchase the 5 day bundle you can request 3 days of footage from one camera and 2 days from another.

Bundle Options (not restricted by camera)
Up to 5 days
Up to 15 days
Up to 31 days

*Note that this will be a recurring monthly charge. A reminder will be sent out prior to auto renewal, to cancel please contact sales@camcloud.com

Once you have purchased your bundle you can send your download requests to partnersupport@camcloud.com

You do not need to make the complete request all at once, for example for the 15 day bundle you can send a request for 10 days of footage from one camera one day, and then 5 days from another camera another day. We will inform you of the remaining time in your bundle for that month after each request.

Information to include in your request:

1) Partner Account Name

2) Customer Account Username

3) Camera(s) the download(s) are required for

4) Date and time range for the requested download