There are a couple of ways to setup your Hikvision camera:
- Plug and Play Setup - completely automated plug and play setup procedure (highly recommended if you have a supported camera)
- Port Forward Auto Setup - completely automated setup procedure with port forwarding
- Manual Setup - add the settings to your camera individually
- Troubleshooting - common pitfalls
Plug and Play Setup
Only Acusense line of cameras is supported. Please see the Compatible Plug & Play List to see if your camera is supported. Search for "PCI-" to see the list of Hikvision plug ang play cameras.
**Please Contact Camcloud Support to receive the required firmware, currently Hikvision isn't providing it on their website**
Step #1: Add the Camcloud app to the Hikvision camera
Pre-requisite: You must be running the Hikvision OpenSDK firmare: v5.5.150_OP_210201. Please contact your Camcloud representative to get the firmware and the Camcloud app.
Go to the Open Platform menu and Browse to the app. Now click Import to install the app.
**NOTE** Prior to adding the app file it is best to confirm the camera is set to the current date/time (System > Time Settings Tab).
Once installed it will look like this:
Click the button to run the Camcloud app. It will ask you for permissions. DO NOT SELECT ANY PERMISSIONS. Select OK. It's now running.
Step #2: Add the camera
Now you can add the camera by selecting Hikvision and selecting the Open SDK button. This will now allow you to enter the serial number, MAC and username/password.
Tip: You can find the Serial number at the System -> System Settings menu and the MAC at the Network -> Basic Settings menu.
That's it!
Auto Setup with port forwarding
Note: Before starting, make sure that you've port-forwarded your camera. If you're unsure how to start the port-forwarding process, take a look at our guide.
Step #1. Start the "Add Camera" Wizard
First Login to You should be brought to your "Timeline". This is where you'll have a list of any cameras you've already setup.
Click on "Add Camera", select "Hikvision". Name your camera whatever you'd like.
Once you click on next, you'll have to add in your camera's username, password, IP address, RTSP port, and HTTP port. This means your RTSP & HTTP ports need to be forwarded on your router. Make sure to use an "admin" user as "operator" level typically doesn't have access.
Click on Next.
This is where you can also change whether or not you'd like notifications, and the sensitivity of your camera's motion detection. Once you're done, click on "Finish".
Now the setup wizard is going to run through its process and confirm that it completed the configuration successfully.
Manual Setup
Don't follow this guide! Use the automated setup above. There is no need to manually setup your camera.
Step #1. Setup the Camera
First setup the camera as a Hikvision. Choose a name for your camera and turn Off "Auto Setup".
Before you head over to the Hikvision camera interface, make sure you’ve taken note of your FTP Credentials. You can find them on the cameras page here:
Before you head over to the Hikvision camera interface, make sure you’ve taken note of your FTP Credentials. You can find them on the cameras page here:
Tip: When we we first pop-up the dialogue to enter your FTP Credentials, we say is what you should use, but that doesn’t always work for Hikvision Cameras. If it doesn't you can enter this IP:
Step #2: Hikvision FTP Setup
Now go to the Hikvision Camera Interface and click on the “Configuration” tab, then under “Advanced Configuration” click on “Network”. Now click on the FTP tab.
This is where your FTP credentials are required. Keep in mind that the interface as of now doesn’t allow you to copy and paste the passwords in, so you’ll have to manually enter them both times.
Make sure the “Upload Picture” checkbox at the bottom is checked. Click on “test”, if it’s successful it means that you’ve configured with FTP correctly.
Step #3: Hikvision Interface Event and Storage Configuration
Once again under “Advanced Configuration”, click on “Events”. Make sure your Motion Detection is enabled and that you have a Motion Detection Area selected.
Scroll down, and under Linkage Method make sure “Upload to FTP” is checked.
The Last Step is to jump over to “Storage”, and click on the Snapshot tab. Scroll down and check on the “Enable Event-Triggered Snapshot” checkbox.
Now you’re ready to use cloud storage with Camcloud and your Hikvision camera. Now when there’s motion in front of the camera, you’ll be able to see what kind of motion activity was captured by the device.
That's it for the setup!
1. I'm not getting motion events
Newer cameras/firmware have an additional option for motion dections, make sure the following is enabled:
Additionally make sure to check out this guide.
2. I'm getting "No preview" or any image on my mobile device. Camera page.
Answer: New firmware versions turn off the Hikvision CGI. You can turn that back on at: Network -> Advanced Settings -> Integration Protocol
3. Camera limit reached
Answer #1: This is a misleading error. Make sure to use an "admin" user when you add a camera. The "operator" level typically doesn't have access.
Answer #2: This is a misleading error on the last step of adding the camera. This means that it's getting stuck writing the motion detection settings. Take a look at the "Event" menu in the Hikvision camera interface. It should have a Basic and Expert mode. We try to write to the Expert mode, but if that's missing then you get this failure message.
4. I can't change my password or edit any settings. If you factory reset the camera or have it in default state some models require you to enable the Integration Protocols. Turn on both:
- Enable Hikvision-CGI
- Enable Open Network Video Interface